
Whole 30 Day 10

February 14 - Day 10:

It's Valentine's day, so I'm treating myself to paleo muffins. I got a carrot & apple sauce recipe from here. Looks amazing.

Breakfast: the usual bacon and eggs
Lunch: shredded beef with coconut milk "gravy" and fresh veggies. No time to cook last night, so I have produce straight from the grocery store today.
Supper: roasted kale and shredded beef with coconut milk "gravy"

I looove kale. And so does my cat.
Went for an adjustment for the first time of my life this morning. It was equally terrifying and awesome.
He even said I should workout today! Squats at lunch it is!
(Update: heavy-ish squats started to hurt again, so I didn't go super high, and stopped after 1 rep in my down sets. I'm thinking... lighter squats/more reps for tomorrow? I think I should still be squatting until my next appointment on Thursday)

20 days until March 5.


  1. I need details on this coconut milk gravy. Nice blog, too. It's good to read your daily updates Ariane, you're doing great!

    1. Thanks!
      The "gravy" was a total fluke, but I'm loving it.
      I always find that the large quantities of meat I cook end up quite dry by the time the 8th packed lunch rolls around. This solves the problem!
      I slow cooked a roast with a spice rub and water (cover half the meat) all night on low.
      Took the meat out, added 1/2 can of coconut milk and let the liquid simmer all day.
      It's quite fatty (from the meat + coconut milk) so I have to shake it up before pouring on.
      Let me know if you try it and it turns out.
