
The Whole 30

It's time for a new challenge; because I clearly need more than a new years resolution to motivate me.
Starting today, I am doing the "Whole 30" and updating this food log. The goal is to kick start & energize my Paleo lifestyle. I've been pretty good at maintaining since last spring, but I've become lazy and need a bit of a boost.

Thirty days of super clean pale eating will hopefully get me down to the 63kg category for weightlifting.
I'd like to live at 63-64kg, so that I can easily drop weight for competitions.
A few other flux ladies have agreed to take part in the challenge (also for Oly category reasons) and for the motivation factor.
We will be keeping each other in check and of course cheering each other on. There is nothing better than a personal cheerleader to keep you motivated!

February 5 - Day 1: weighed in for Oly class at 68.7kg. Using callipers and taking before photos tomorrow.

Late breakfast/ lunch: eggs, bacon, black coffee
Supper: avocado with steamed bok choy, brocoli, celery and roasted turnip, beet, onion (ate supper with a vegan...)
Super vegan start

I have leftover veggies for 2 meals, now I just have to add meat!
Four pork chops thawing in the fridge.

Afternoon Front Squats: maxed out at 155lbs (70.5kg) (failed at 160lbs), down sets at 140lbs (63.6kg)

29 days until March 5.

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