
Paleo Party Potluck, Posting Pictures?

Remember this?

February 16, 2011
"And the numbers are in...

All on the left side:

Bicep: 12 1/4
Bust: 36 1/2
Waist: 31 1/2
Hips: 35 1/4
Badonkadonk: 40
Culotte de ch'val: 39 3/8
Above knee: 18
Calf: 12 5/8

I'll save the pictures for the end..."
Well the end has come!
Time for new measurements, new pictures, new PRs, new goals.

June 10, 2011

Bicep: 12 1/2
Bust: 34 1/2
Waist: 27 1/4
Hips: 33 1/2
Badonkadonk: 38
Saddlebags: 38 1/2
Above knee: 17 1/2
Calf: 15 1/4
Rib cage: 31

Lost 14 inches in total, but gained 1/4 inch around my stupid genetically impaired calves! Haven't weighed myself yet; interested in seeing if that's changed at all.

The standard for measuring improvement in CrossFit is "benchmark WODs".
Cindy, Mary, Fran, Helen, etc. "the original girls". They are comprised of basic CrossFit movements, but  they are so, freaking, hard!

Our Challenge testing benchmark was "Helen". She is a scary bitch. She makes my stomach drop, my gut cramp, my hands sweat.

3 rounds of:
400m Run
21 KB Swings (35 lbs)
12 Pull Ups

Ariane's August 2010 "Helen" 16:40 mins
3 rounds of:
400m Run
21 KB Swings (35 lbs)
12 Pull Ups (small green + small yellow + small yellow bands)

Ariane's May 2011 "Helen" 19:45 mins
3 rounds of:
400m Run
21 KB Swings (35 lbs)
12 Pull Ups (small green + small black bands)

During the Paleo/ Primal Challenge I achieved my first static Pull Up and shortly after, figured out how to string together 3 Kipping Pull Ups.
So my goal today was to do Kipping Pull Ups during Helen. Coach Darci modified the reps down to 5 per round.

Ariane's June 2011 "Helen" 17:30 mins
3 rounds of:
400m Run
21 KB Swings (35 lbs)
5 Pull Ups

Right now, I feel like I could do more PUs, and maintain the same time. My next goal is to get better at running. Maybe even to like running. Getting my time to a more reasonable 14-15 minutes would be awesome!

Other PRs:
- 2 consecutive static PUs
- figuring out how to kip and get over the bar
- Squat Clean (March 11: 111 lbs, March 28: 117 lbs, April 3: 120 lbs)
- Static Press 3 x 70 lbs (I need to step this up, I don't actually know what I can do for 1 rep)
- Deadlift 3 x 150 lbs (same as the Press, these were my old PRs and I don't know what I can do for 1 rep)
- Squat Clean & Jerk 7 x 110 lbs (CrossFit Open)

I feel like I haven't challenged myself weight-wise in a while, and I don't know what my max is anymore. I think I usually play if safe for WODs, but I need to push more on the strength based work so I know my 100%.

We are having a Paleo Potluck this weekend at flux CrossFit; celebrating the end of the Challenge, the arrival of Ido Portal and Odelia, and our weekend of workshops.
Can't wait!